SPLASH Junior Youth

Splash is our fortnightly Friday night program for junior youth, in grades 4-6. For great games, good friends, and loads of fun, Splash is the place to be.

Splash takes place at the Greenhouse, with occasional special activities elsewhere.

Our Splash team is Dony and Angela, together with Jono, Dave and Mischa. If you want more information, talk to one of the team, email Dony, or contact the church office.

If you’re in high school, head on over to SURGE and see what’s on for you!

COVID-19 arrangements

In order to be covid-safe, we have made these changes:

  • Parents will be signing their children in and out in the foyer area, and shouldn’t come any further into the auditorium
  • Everyone will be asked if they have any symptoms of Covid-19, and if they do, they will need to return home
  • There will be no food or drinks provided, so please bring a bottle of water

Check the calendar to see what’s up next.

Like our new logo? It's a collaborative work, designed by our Splash kids and Jono, one of our leaders!

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