Home Groups

KawanaLife has a number of Home Groups, meeting on different week-days or week-nights, in different areas. At the moment we have home groups meeting in Little Mountain, Caloundra, Bulcock Beach, and Warana.

Home Groups at KawanaLife take on different shapes and sizes. Whether you’re looking for the opportunity to

  • look more deeply into God’s Word and talk about it with others
  • share with and pray for one another at a more personal level
  • share your faith with someone who is interested in God but doesn’t know Him yet
  • build stronger and better relationships and get to know others in our church who may not be part of your usual ‘circle of friends’
  • speak into the lives of others and allow them to challenge and teach you
  • all of the above

you’ll probably find a Home Group that meets your need.

Home Groups are often the first point of care for members who are sick, hurting, or in need of other support or care. Home Groups are a great way to connect more strongly with the KawanaLife family.

If you are keen to learn more about when and where Home Groups happen each week, or you are interested in starting a new group, have a chat with Dony, or contact the office.