Let’s head on down to the beach for some classic beach games. Sand sculptures, beach races, even frisbee challenges, then stay for a sausage sizzle.
Click here for more information, or contact KawanaLife Baptist Church.
Come and support our youth as they help Jamie raise funds for her time at YWAM next year. Have your car washed for only $5, and grab a bite to eat at our sausage sizzle while you’re here.
The BIG finish to the year. Come dressed in your Formal attire for what will be the graduation of so many. Fancy clothes, fancy meal and a great finish to a wonderful year.
If you have joined us at Splash in 2017 you are welcome to come along, but please RSVP to Mark by Wednesday 29 November for catering purposes.
Contact Mark or the KawanaLife office for more information.

We live in a world where we constantly want to be entertained – but this only results in us wanting more and more. Only the True Vine will satisfy. This term is going to be exciting, challenging, and will take you on a journey of finding out more about truth and God’s word as we go through the book of John, and enjoy each other’s company! Don’t miss out!
SURGE is KawanaLife Baptist’s Youth Group, which meets every Friday night during school terms.
Who: Grades 7-12
When: 7-9:30pm
Where: @ The Greenhouse
Cost: $2
A special invitation (and a huge welcome) to all the kids who graduated from Splash in 2017. Thought Splash was fun? Come along and find out how much fun SURGE can be!