Come and support our youth as they help Jamie raise funds for her time at YWAM next year. Have your car washed for only $5, and grab a bite to eat at our sausage sizzle while you’re here.

We live in a world where we constantly want to be entertained – but this only results in us wanting more and more. Only the True Vine will satisfy. This term is going to be exciting, challenging, and will take you on a journey of finding out more about truth and God’s word as we go through the book of John, and enjoy each other’s company! Don’t miss out!
SURGE is KawanaLife Baptist’s Youth Group, which meets every Friday night during school terms.
Who: Grades 7-12
When: 7-9:30pm
Where: @ The Greenhouse
Cost: $2
A special invitation (and a huge welcome) to all the kids who graduated from Splash in 2017. Thought Splash was fun? Come along and find out how much fun SURGE can be!
Our first KKs for 2018! Come along to the Greenhouse at 10am to find out what KKs is about, and to see some highlights from 2017. BYO lunch.
KKs is a fellowship group open to anyone who is free on the second Thursday of each month. If you’re looking for fellowship, outings, a caring group, and just generally getting to know others from KawanaLife better in a more relaxed and carefree manner, come along to KKs. Because it is mainly seniors who are free on a week day the group mainly comprises that age group, but you can be part of KKs no matter what your age is.
We enjoy a whole range of activities – outings, picnics, short walks, venues of interest, etc. KKs event usually involve a BYO morning tea and/or lunch, and a short devotion. Most outings are cost-free.
For more information contact the office, or talk to Del Pattemore.

Meeting at Mary Cairncross Park for morning tea at the Restaurant – coffees from $4.50, and slices and cakes from $4.00. After morning tea, we’ll explore the interpretive centre, take a bush walk, and enjoy at lunch together in the main park area. BYO comfortable shoes and a hat, lunch, and a chair to sit on.
We’re back! We hope you guys have had a fantastic holiday and ready for what is going to be an awesome term!
We’re kicking off this term by going “old school”, back to basics with some good ol’ fashioned games.
Come along and hear from some of our ‘more mature’ friends about their life experiences with following God. See you there!
Where: The Greenhouse
When: 7 – 9.30 pm
Who: Years 7 – 12
Cost: $2

Today we’ll be visiting QCamel at Bells Creek, doing an educational tour of the camel farm (including cuddles with the camels!), and enjoy morning tea and muffins made using camel milk. The cost, which includes morning tea, is $35.
A minimum of 20 people are needed for this event – please let Del know if you are planning to attend. Visit the QCamel website for more information.
BYO chair and lunch for afterwards.
This Friday is the last Surge night for the term…so we’re ending it with a ‘Chill night’. This is not your average chill night though
Come along this Friday, bring a friend and bring any musical instrument you can play.

This beautiful garden showcases plants native to the Sunshine Coast region. There are a number of walks, including rainforest walks and through the Whipbird Village lagoon walk.
To get there
- Take the Sippy Downs, Buderim exit off the Bruce Highway
- Take the Tanawha Tourist Drive turnoff (25) and follow the signs
- Sunshine Coast UBD reference: Map 77 N17
BYO morning tea, lunch, and a chair.
SURGE invites all year 7-12 high school students to our 2018 YOUTH CAMP!!
We will be heading out to the Grice Macadamia Farm in Maleny for a jam packed weekend of fun and fellowship growing in the knowledge of who God is!
Registration and medical forms will need to be filled out and returned to the SURGE Leaders.
Camp registration and medical forms can be found at the church or by contacting any of the Surge leaders.
September 21-23
All years 7-12