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Mission Spotlight – MTQ

The role of Mission to Queensland (MTQ) is to assist Queensland Baptist churches start new communities of faith that are effective in sharing Jesus with unreached people in our State.

Through the ministry and work of sponsor churches and church planters, MTQ church plants are growing in many places!

Starting new churches that reproduce is the key to reaching this generation of Australians with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Church leaders all around the country are asking, “where are the church planters?”. The opportunities for starting new churches abound and the missing ingredient is leadership.

The role of MTQ is to support church planters and the leaders of these new faith communities. They do this in a variety of ways, including, among other things, coaching, forums, mentoring, and prayer support. MTQ also provides advice and guidance through planning, decision making, documentation and other processes.

Colin Stoodley is the Director of Church Planting Services for Mission to Queensland. Pray for Colin and his family as he works with ordinary people whom God has called to outreach, discipleship and building new communities of faith in different regions in Queensland, some of which have no other faith community.

Read their prayer update here (member login required).