Pastors Pen

A new covenant

9 April 2020

Friday: On the night that Jesus shared the Passover with His disciples, “he took the cup and thanking God, he gave it to them: Drink this, all of you. This is my blood, God’s new covenant poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” 

The cup, His blood, the forgiveness of sin. Three things we will look at today. Three things that can, and do, change our lives. We have a redeemer who laid down His life, shed His blood so we could be free from sin and be restored to communion with God Almighty.

Sunday: The rock has been rolled away, His body is no longer in the tomb. He is Risen! I am forgiven, I am set free, death no longer has a hold on me, the old has gone and the new is indeed here.

We are part of the new covenant. Oh, what joy divine to know my God, my Saviour. To know I am His and He is mine. Oh glorious new day, that causes me to wonder and to fall on my knees, to praise and to pray.

God bless you all this Easter.


Dony Johnson