Pastors Pen

‘Our’ Father

What we know of as the Lord’s Prayer (some believe it should be called the Disciples’ Prayer),  begins with the words, “Our Father”. Note that it is not “My Father”. This is huge. Jesus had every right to start the prayer with “My Father”, however he did not. Why? Jesus is the only begotten Son of the Father, but by the spiritual adoption we experience once we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, we become joint heirs; co-heirs in His Kingdom. God establishes His paternity over our very lives. (Romans 8:15)

When we pray “Our Father”, we state loudly and clearly that we are a part of a great and wider community. This community includes all who would say “Our Father”. Wow, that is indeed huge!

So today, as we celebrate Fathers Day, may we all be reminded that we have a Heavenly Father, who we can call out to at any time of the day or night. He is always there.

God bless you heaps. Join us on the incredible journey that is Prayer.

Only Jesus,
Pastor Dony Johnson