Pastors Pen

Equipping His people

Our Vision:

to become a dynamic church community, through prayer empowered by the Holy Spirit, who are:

  • Authentic, friendly people whose ministry and lifestyle are a positive force within our community;
  • Searching God’s Word regularly to know Him and understand His will and ways;
  • Preaching and sharing the gospel message;
  • Equipping and supporting leaders for local and global mission;
  • Impacting our community through Evangelism, planting multiple congregations and providing practical Christian care; and
  • Giving sacrificially of our talents and resources for our ministry.

Mission is not something we do by ourselves; it’s a team effort. We recognise this here at KawanaLife and have a deep desire to equip and support leaders for mission. Our inspiration for this comes from Ephesians 4, where Luke explains how Jesus has given the Church gifted people who are to “equip his people for works of service”. Are you one of these? Let’s find out together this morning!

Pastor Brendan Rule