Pastors Pen

We are all a work in progress

Today we start a four week journey through the book of Philippians.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6, NIV

God doesn’t do things in half-measures, and He has begun a good work in all of us. This includes both our life of discipleship and Christlikeness, but also the ministries and missions in which we engage. God, who began the work of salvation in us, will continue it, and God, who gives us hopes and dreams for ministry, will see them also through to completion. But this isn’t always exactly in the way we expect them to be. All we need to do to be a ‘success story’ is to have faith in God, and be obedient to His calling.

Sounds like a great place to start our journey. Are we confident? Are we aware of the work God is doing in us? God is not finished with us; we are each a work in progress.

Only Jesus,
Pastor Dony Johnson