Pastors Pen

Amazing Grace

This weekend we celebrate Easter. Well, to tell the truth, many have been celebrating this whole week. I am encouraged to hear a number of folk have been walking through the Gospels, and reading together all the different aspects of what took place between Palm Sunday and the Resurrection.

This holds so many incredible lessons and challenges. For example, I and two of my mates are doing a YouVersion Devotional online, and this morning we looked at Jesus on the cross being mocked by those looking on. Jesus’ response was unlike what mine would have been – He asked His father to “forgive them, for they know not what they do”. Wow. Amazing Grace, Amazing Love.

This Easter, can I encourage you, if you have not already done so, to take some time to read this incredible story in the Gospels. You will be blessed and challenged.

Happy Easter,
Pastor Dony Johnson