Pastors Pen

Pastor’s Pen – Launch!

Today we will officially “Launch” an amazing group of people into some incredible ministries. Why? To help us fulfil our “VISION”….

KAWANALIFE aims to become a dynamic church community, through prayer, empowered by the Holy Spirit, who are:

  1. authentic, friendly people, whose ministry and lifestyle are a positive force within our community;
  2. preaching and sharing the gospel message;
  3. searching God’s Word regularly to know Him, and understand His will and ways;
  4. equipping and supporting leaders for local and global mission;
  5. impacting our community through evangelism, planting multiple congregations,  and providing practical Christian care; and
  6. giving sacrificially of our talents and resources for our ministry.

What an incredible opportunity to be a part of this, at this time, in this place, and with these amazing people.

God bless,


Pastor Dony Johnson