Pastors Pen

Open your eyes

The road to Emmaus is a great encouragement for us today, whenever we feel that God is distant. For these two disciples, they were confused as to why the Jesus story seemed to end on the cross, and had no idea what God was up to. Jesus, in his grace, meets them where they are at, journeys with them, provides a new perspective from the scriptures that they hadn’t considered before, and then, he reveals himself to them in a significant way.

Often, when we find ourselves in a situation which is difficult, we ask God to help us, to save us, or to remove us from the situation. Maybe, like these disciples, we don’t actually need God to change or fix anything, but to open our eyes, so we can see what he is really up to, and reveal himself to us in a significant way.

May we be a people who are brave enough to ask for our eyes to be opened, instead of asking for God to ‘fix’ our issues.


Featured image: Christ with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, circa 1655. Held in the Warsaw University Library. Public Domain image from Wikimedia Commons.