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Romans – a real letter, from a real person

Paul’s letter to the Romans in the Bible is a wonderful work of God-inspired writing, with a real richness and depth to theology that has been of wonderful benefit to Christians for thousands of years.  However, sometimes it is this emphasis that causes people to read Romans like a textbook, rather than a letter.  At the end of the day, Romans is a real letter, written from a real person, to a real church, with real problems.  By understanding the context, we can understand the book so much better.  This week, the first week, we start at the end of the book, to see who and what was the church in Rome.

May God grant us wisdom to understand his word better each day!


Featured image: Saint Paul Writing His Epistles, attributed to Valentin de Boulogne, between circa 1618 and circa 1620. Held in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Image from Wikimedia Commons.