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God is real, He can be trusted, He answers prayer

Today we have John Mansfield from Baptist World Aid (BWA).

He has been with BWA since early this year, in fact he started in March just before covid. They say timing is everything! I have had a few coffees with him and he has an amazing story. His life proves God is real, God can be trusted, and certainly that God answers prayer.

Baptist World Aid Australia is a Christian not-for-profit organisation focused on empowering the world’s poor to lift themselves out of poverty.

Their main areas of work, in Australia and overseas, are through SAO Children, Commit to Community projects, and through emergency relief and advocacy in Australia around issues of global poverty. Their vision:

A world where poverty has ended and all people enjoy the fullness of life God intends.”1

Only Jesus,

1Baptist World Aid Australia, Our story : who we are, viewed 25 September 2020,