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Spotlight on Outback Queensland

Stephen and Lorraine Cavill

The Outback Aerial Mission began in 1961, when Es and Val Morse saw the isolation and hardships being faced by people in the outback and began to visit and reach out with the Gospel. They were soon joined by others, using a small plane as their means of transport to remote areas and properties. Different team members came and moved on, or retired, and in 1996 Stephen and Lorraine Cavill moved to Longreach to take up the task.

The mission’s purpose is to simply present the Christian gospel to the people in the outback and to encourage them in their personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, via direct contact with them, visiting them on their properties using the aircraft.

Outback Aerial Mission covers an area in Central Western Queensland of roughly 220,000 square kilometres, which is about three times the size of Tasmania, so the plane has become an integral element in this ministry.

Other parts of the ministry include teaching Religious Education classes in isolated schools, church services and Bible studies on properties and in the Cavill’s home, weddings, funerals and associated counselling.

You can play a part by praying for their work.

Find out more about this ministry by visiting their website.