Pastors Pen

May we know His renewal

17 April 2020

As Aussies, we love a good BBQ. The snags, the lamb chops, bacon and eggs, a good steak. Some even say salad is important! I love to be out at the BBQ, whether at the Weber in the back yard or at the council BBQ at La Balsa Park.

In today’s reading, Jesus has fresh fish and bread on a little BBQ he has made on the beach as he waits for a bunch of tired and discouraged fishermen to come on in. However, just as they are about to give up, Jesus encourages them to do something unusual. They obey, not even recognising who he is. Then, as the nets fill, their eyes can see that the man on the beach is Jesus.

How many times in our lives when we are tired, frustrated, and worn out by life, do we hear the Lord tell us something different and then follows the renewal we need? Today, as we are living in different times, may we know the Lord’s renewal.

God bless, stay safe, be kind to one another.

Only Jesus,

Dony Johnson