Pastors Pen

The Jesse Tree

This week we start an amazing series called “The Jesse Tree”. We’re doing it in conjunction with the KL Kids, which I think is awesome.

So what is the Jessie tree I hear you ask. It’s an old Advent Tradition, dating back to the middle ages. It was inspired by Isaiah’s prophecy of the Messiah in Isaiah chapter 11, “A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse, from his roots a branch will bear fruit.”

From the beginning of Creation, God had a plan for our redemption. The Jesse Tree represents the family tree, or genealogy, of Jesus Christ and tells us the story of God’s Salvation plan.

Are you ready for an incredible journey? Well get strapped in, because we are going to explore and find some amazing things in and through God’s Word.  Welcome to the Jesse Tree.

Only Jesus,
Pastor Dony Johnson