Pastors Pen

Even a superhero can’t do it alone

This morning is the conclusion of our ‘Super Sundays’ here at KawanaLife.  Over the past three weeks (during the school holidays), the KL Kids have been staying with us for the entire worship service, and we have been exploring different ways of doing ‘all ages worship’.

Today will be different again, as we look at parts of the LEGO Batman Movie, and how it relates to a life of faith in Jesus.  In this movie, Batman discovers that he can’t do life alone and needs family around him.

Last week I was on holidays with my extended family.  There’s something special about all coming together and doing life as family.  It’s a great source of encouragement and love in my life, and I don’t know how I’d manage trying to do it alone.

God’s will for the Church is for us to be an incredible family, bound together in love.  In John 13:34, Jesus commands his disciples to “Love one another as I have loved you”.  May we all work very hard to loving each other the way that Jesus has commanded, and demonstrate to the world around us that God is Love.

Pastor Brendan Rule