Pastors Pen

Go into all the world

May Mission Month is a great opportunity to highlight those on the frontline overseas and right here in Australia. This week you’ll get to hear from a couple of Missionaries who are taking the Gospel to other, very different, places.

You will also get the opportunity to hear the words of Jesus as He gives the disciples the challenge of the ‘Great Commission’. How do we respond to such a challenge? Do we see it only as something for those overseas? Or do we see that we are all on a mission, and that the mission field is right where we live, work, and play? How can we fulfil this challenge? Are we capable; can we do it?

I am 100% sure that we can do it. That we can and will be a people who are a voice of HOPE for our community.

Come with us as we go on an amazing journey.
God bless you all.

Only Jesus,
Pastor Dony Johnson