Pastors Pen

Full of Peace

This weekend as Tropical Cyclone Oma lashes the Queensland Coast, people will respond in a variety of ways. Some will be out there ‘storm chasing’, enjoying the spectacle of the big seas, others will be quietly anxious about the damage the storm will cause, others will be not so quietly anxious, and take every possible precaution.

As we continue looking at the story of Paul and Silas’ imprisonment today, we see that it includes a different kind of natural disaster – an earthquake. Similar to what is happening on our coast, people responded to the earthquake in different ways. The jailer was full of fear, but Paul and Silas were full of peace, because they knew who was who was really in control – God. They recognised that God had placed them there for a reason, and reached out to the jailer with the good news.

We do not know what this weekend will bring, but we do know who is in control – God. Let’s remember that God is ultimately in control, and recognise he has placed us where we are for a reason, and look for opportunities to reach into our ‘oikos’ with the good news.






Featured image: Prison cell of Paul and Silas, Philippi. Image from Flikr, by CaptSpaulding, used under license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0