Pastors Pen

Holy Spirit Power

This Pastor’s Pen is from the archives as Dony is on leave this week. It originally appeared on 25 February, 2018.

As a Disciple of Jesus it is good to know:

God the Father… how good was it to again visit the truth of knowing “GOD” as our Heavenly Father?

The Son, Jesus Christ…. our Savior and the blessings that flow from that.

The Holy Spirit….

  • what do we know about the Holy Spirit?
  • what do we know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the fruit?

At K2 we looked at good and bad fruit; does the Holy Spirit have a part to play there?

Do we see it as important to have the Holy Spirit in and throughout of lives every day?

Francis Chan was so intrigued with some of these questions, he called the Holy Spirit “The Forgotten God”.

All I know is, I am on this amazing journey knowing more and more about my awesome God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Join me.

God bless,

Pastor Dony Johnson