Pastors Pen

Praise – Jesus – Love

Praise … Jesus … Love – three words that are important to our faith. Maybe, right now, we should even reflect on their importance to who we are and have been in 2018, and hopefully see how very good it would be for us to be mindful of them in 2019.

Psalm 150 begins and ends with ‘Praise the Lord’ (or ‘Hallelujah’) and gives us some examples of where, why, and how we can do this.

God’s Word begins (Genesis chapter 1 and John chapter 1) and ends (Revelation chapter 22:20-21) with Jesus … I’ll explain more, but it is certainly true.

In the incredible book of Nehemiah, the last Old Testament historical book to be written, and in Malachi, the last Prophetic book in the Bible, we get an incredible insight into the next phase of the redevelopment of Jerusalem and the Temple. We also get a snapshot into the heart of the man God called to do the job.

Praise, Jesus, and Love – three words that can change every day of your life. Are we up for that change?

My prayer for you all, as we welcome in 2019 (in one day), is that it will be a year full of Praise to God for all He is doing; a year where we see more of Jesus working in and through our lives in amazing ways. I pray also that it will be a year when we will learn to Love, more and more each day.

God bless.

Only Jesus,
Pastor Dony Johnson

Image: Église Saint-Jacques Saint-Christophe de la Villette, Paris Alpha and Omega on Front Side, from Flikr