Pastors Pen

Christmas series – Wise Men

So, this is Christmas… a special time of the year for family and friends. For the whole month of December we have been looking at how different people saw Christmas, from their perspective. We have also had the opportunity to explore their testimony of what they saw, and what impact (or lack of impact) this incredible event had on them.

Over the next few days we will hear from a ‘wise man’, and explore why God thought Christmas was necessary, and how Jesus felt about leaving Heaven to become

Emmanuel…. God with us

No matter what you get up to this Christmas, if you are at home, away with family, or on that great holiday which you have been looking forward to for the whole year, we pray that you will know that God loves you so much that He left Heaven above, for you; He entered the world to be born in lowly surroundings, to a normal couple; He grew into a man who found favour with both God and man; He obediently gave Himself as the sacrifice for your sin and mine, so we can know forgiveness and healing.

God bless you all.

Only Jesus,
Pastor Dony Johnson