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Celebrate Christmas with us

‘Tis the season…

Hold on to your hats. We are in the midst of one of the busiest and, for some, most expensive seasons of the year. Yes, that’s right, it’s Christmas; but you knew that already, didn’t you?

It’s the time of year when we finish off the school year going to the odd graduation or school presentation. This is followed by the work Christmas Party, and the four other groups you belong to are all having their Christmas parties. There are so many, we start them in November to fit them all in!

Then there is the discussion on where we are “having” Christmas this year, and what is the plan re: giving gifts – it is secret gifts, or do we all get one another something, and what is the price limit? I’m getting tired just thinking about it!

Is this what it’s really all about? Or is the message of Christmas about God coming to earth as a baby, born of a virgin, with shepherds and wise men celebrating?

Or is it really a rescue message where, from the beginning of time the Creator, God, knew that we, the people of this world, would get into so much trouble that we would need to be rescued. And that the only way he could rescue us was to become human and pay the price for you and me so that we could be reconciled with our Creator?

All of us at KawanaLife would love for you to know that you can be part of God’s rescue plan. Come and visit us this Christmas Season.

God bless,
Dony Johnson
Senior Pastor