Pastors Pen


I love stories of transformation. In the last two weeks I have come across some very good stories.

Nicky Gumble tells a story about Brian and Michael Emmett. It is quite amazing and I am going to share it this morning…. but here is something as a teaser.

When Nicky interviewed Michael, he asked him what difference Jesus had made. Michael replied, “I was a drug addict for years, entrenched with crime. I looked the part but inside I was very broken. There was a hole inside of me that I tried to fill with things that didn’t work. Jesus is real. He did an inside job on me. The change is dramatic – healing and changing, transforming my mind and heart. The curse has been broken over my family.”

Brian’s and Michael’s lives were changed because Jesus set them free from their addictions and the sin that was destroying their lives. After lives of crime and lawlessness, they never went to prison again.

Come Holy Spirit, change me; make me more like Jesus each and everyday.

Only Jesus,
Pastor Dony Johnson