Pastors Pen

Happy Father’s Day to all our Dads!

I love being a dad. I love being a dad for two girls. This week, if someone had asked me, “What was your greatest achievement?” I would gladly say that it is being the dad of two incredible young ladies. I can say that, not just remembering all of the good times we’ve had, which are many (and I could go on for days), I can say it because of the hugs and phone calls I’ve received this week from them, making sure I’m ok, even as they work through what is happening for us all as a family.

The Psalmist gives us many passages that remind us that, no matter how tough things are or can get, our God is with us always. We can trust in Him (Psalms 40, 103); we can run to Him as our rock and stronghold (Psalm 18); we can hope in Him (Psalm 31); we can know He loves us (Psalms 23, 25 and 26).

I’m so glad to know that my God knows me, understands me, and can meet my every need, even when I don’t know it or imagine it. This Father’s Day, I’m thankful that I have God in my life. There is no way I would like to walk this journey without Him.

Today I pray you will know God’s love, that you’ll know He is your rock, that you can trust in Him, and that in Him you will find your hope.

God bless,
Pastor Dony Johnson