Pastors Pen

Prioritising prayer

As a follower of Jesus, a disciple, we need to learn, from the book of Acts, the importance, the priority, of prayer in our every day. It’s not just something we do, it is who we are; we are to be a people who pray, and see our “Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and all that is in it”, at work in our lives.

In Acts 10 we see two men, two very different men, praying. Both have an incredible experience and receive something incredible during these prayer times. What they receive will change both their lives forever – in fact, what happens changes our lives as well.

How important is your personal time alone with God? Is it a priority? Do you have someone you trust enough to keep you accountable? My prayer is that today will be a day of revolution, restoration, and renewal for all of us. My heart’s desire is for us all to be so alive in prayer, and seeing so many answers to prayer, that we are in awe of the greatness of our God.

Are you up for the challenge? I want to be.

God bless you as you daily walk with Jesus, knowing the extent of God’s love for you, understanding His will in your heart, and doing all that He calls you to do, as you hold on to the very truths that help you face everything, every day.


Pastor Dony Johnson