Pastors Pen

Time to step out

KawanaLife is 22 years old this year. It has seen a lot and been a part of a lot. It has had at least three names and three Senior Pastors. When you read the reports you can see that there is a lot going on, and an incredible amount of work makes it all happen – most of it being done by volunteers, especially this year. It is indeed great to give God praise for what has happened, and to give Him glory for all He has done.

But now is a time, a pivotal time, a time for something to be started. A time for us to step out in faith, believing that our God has a great plan for our community. He is just waiting for the right person (or people) to stand up and go for it.

Today I am keen to reach out and say “Here am I, Lord, send me. Set me adrift into the waters of faith. I will truly trust you each day of my life. Lord Jesus, I am ready to see you bring life to our community, to see people saved and transformed, to see the prodigal come home, and for my life to make a difference. Come, Holy Spirit, fill us anew, set us apart to be Your people, a holy nation, called by You.”

I’m ready – are you? Let’s go….


Pastor Dony Johnson