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Missions Spotlight – the persecuted church

Open Doors describes Christian persecution as “any hostility experienced as a result of proclaiming the name of Jesus.” (Open Doors, retrieved 18 May 2018)

Millions of believers all around the world face persecution every day, in many different forms. Many are isolated or rejected by their families, friends and communities, or denied access to water, food and health care. Others suffer violence, abuse, imprisonment, even death.

What can you do?

  • Pray for persecuted believers around the world. Our prayer is a powerful way to bring about change.
  • Support the work of organisations who respond to urgent and ongoing needs of  those who are suffering for Jesus.
  • Write notes of encouragement to our brothers and sisters.

An organisation working to encourage and support persecuted Christians is Open Doors. Visit their website to find up-to-date information, including country profiles, prayer guides, and Bible studies,  plus ways and opportunities we can work with them to improve the lives of those who are suffering for Jesus’ name.