Pastors Pen

Pastor’s Pen – Jesus is our Saviour

On 13th January 1982, as Air Florida Flight 90 was taking off from Washington DC, it crashed into the Potomac River. It was winter, and the river was full of ice. As the TV cameras rolled, a rescue helicopter let down a life-belt on a line to a man struggling in the water. Again and again the man took the line to other survivors and saw them rescued, until, exhausted and cold, he himself drowned. He saved others – strangers – at the cost of his own life. Who would do such a thing? Would you do this?

Jesus did not save himself; he did not run when the going got tough, he did not give up. When the time came, he lived and died in 100% obedience to the Father. He came to rescue you and me. He came to be our Saviour.

Today, let’s focus on Jesus, the Saviour of the world, and think on how he saved you and me.

God bless,

Pastor Dony Johnson