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Pastor’s Pen – ‘God Breaking Out’

As a student at Bible college I loved to read of all the amazing moves of God. Some would say times of Renewal, others a Revival. Some, like me, just love the stories that flow on from when “all God just breaks out”.

On my first mission trip to the Solomon Islands I saw amazing things and heard incredible stories; stories about people raised from the dead and incredible healing. One morning I was invited to a meeting, at this meeting was an Aussie Evangelist called Bill Newman. I’d met Bill a couple of times already; it was so good to see him and his team that night as thousands came forward for salvation and healing. This didn’t just ‘happen’, but was the end result from lots of prayer and “All God breaking out”.

Today I sit here in my office at KawanaLife and pray… do it again Lord, do it again.

God bless,


Pastor Dony Johnson